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If - Taeyeon.mp3 - taeyeon
Wednesday, October 29
9:06 PM
found a very interesting article:
http://www.thesneeze.com/mt-archives/000707.phphighly entertaining!
8:17 PM
Apparently there have been much commotion around my dislocated jaw. People from the North side of the Earth all the way down to the South has been gossiping about my poor lil jaw.
OK so I Googled "jaw dislocation" and from my 'research' I found that maybe my jaw wasn't dislocated at all. I am guessing it just "popped", which according to the websites is a fairly common thing just that maybe my joint snapped a little 'louder' than most people's jaw. or whatever.
I can still yawn and eat Big Mac so don't worry I am not disfigured yet.
Thank you very much for everybody's concern. I feel the love!
love you too!
Sunday, October 26 RANDOM
9:48 PM
Just found these random questions we used to forward around like, 6 years ago?
OK here we go
1. Full name: Maria Eugenia Dian Kartika Paramita
2. Nicknames: Deeyan?
3. Eyes: Black
4. Height: ~170cm/ 5'6"
5. Hair: Black :/
6.Siblings: none
7. Do u like to sing in the shower? used to.. =P
8.Di u like to sing in the toilet? er not really.. gotta concentrate on other stuff
9. Birthday: HALLOWEEN!!
10. Sign: Scorpio (YEAH~)
11. Address: R St NW, DC
12. Sex: F
13. Righty or lefty: Righty
14. What do you want in a relationship most? both parties' happiness
16. Martial status: Single
18. What kinda car do you have/want? Honda fit / MAZDA RX8 my love
19. Movie: Love actually! (anything but horror)
20. Song: current: 说好的幸福呢, all time fave: damn too many songs XD
21.TV show: GOSSIP GIRL! heroes, house
23. Actor: HHMMM.. I dont think there is space to list them all... :P
24. Actress: Jessica alba, Blake Lively, Leighton Meester
25. Food: I seriously don't think I should list my favorite food at 1am in the morning..
26. Numbers: 11
27. Cartoon: I would say Manga not exactly Cartoon but I like finding nemo
28. Disney character: Donald duck, pooh :)
29. Colour : sky blue, soft green, baby pink,
30. Do you plan on having children : yup
31. Do you want to get married: yupyup
32. How old do u wanna be when you have your first child?: no plans
33. How old do u wanna be when your married: hopefully not over 30
34. Would you have kids before marriage: nooo
35. Do you have a b/f or g/f : yupyupyup
37. Do you have a crush: celebrity crush?? lol
38. Music/TV: music! but I need my weekly dose of TV from internet :P
39. Guys/Girls: guys
40. Green/Blue: Blue
41. Pink/Purple: Pink
42. Summer/Winter: Summer
43. Night/Day: Night
44. Hangin Out/Chillin: Chilling
45. Dopey/Funny: funny
46. weird saying I have: Jeger
47. what skool do u go to? Georgetown babeeh!
48. have you ever taken drugs? aspirin?
49. What's a major turn on for you? hmmm good question. I should try to figure that out eh?
50. How far would you go on a first date? far meaning..?
51. The PERSON you know who is...
Most Blonde: Lissy Hill
Best Person: Mama
Nicest: Nerissa, Vita, Irene
Funniest: (Lamest) Brata
Happiest: Lucy Hermanto
Strangest: Oshin
Most Caring: Mama
TALLest: Florian!
Smartest: too many geniuses around me
Best Personality: Irene?
Best All Around Person: Brata, Vita, Ner2
52.which 5 people do you trust and are open with the most? Brata, Vita, Ner2, Florian
53. what do you think of soul mates? Best of the best friends
54. is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf? nope
55. what was the last thing you cried over or got teary about? wisdom teeth D:
56. what's something about guys/girls you don't get? their occasional dumbness and saying girls are hard to please (well maybe true but guys are as hard to please!)
57. are you happy? At the moment
58. why? Because there isn't anything to be depressed about
59. What's an object you can't live without? money LOL
60. Love or lust: love
61. Silver or gold: silver
62. Diamond or pearl: diamond, duh?!
63. Sunset or sunrise: sunset
64. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping: nope
65. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: well yea at night but not in the morning (they got thrown out of the bed XP)
66. Do you have any piercings? yup
67. What colour underpants are you wearing? now?? blue I think lol
68. What song are you listening to right now? nothing
69. What are the last four digits of your phone number? 0088
70. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon? HMMM.. Lets see: around Japan&Korea, Carribeans, England, France, Places with nice beaches
71. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? My hubby! hahaha
72. What's your favourite sport? soccer, swimming, badminton
74. What makes you happy? tonnes of stuff :D
75. What's the next cd/s you're gonna get/buy? Nothing as of now.. Just bought Jay's world concert 2007 tho
76. Do u wear contacts or glasses? both (not at the same time la...)
77. What's the best advice given to you? be true to yourself
78. Have you ever won any special awards? I wish =/
79. What are your future goals? get a min $500k annual salary job
80. Worst sickness u ever had? wisdom teeth growing -.-
81. Do you like Funny or scary movies better? FUNNY! hate hate hate scary movies
82. On the phone or in person? in person
83. Hugs or Kisses? both ^^
84. What song seems to reflect you the most? nah. not sure. what about you tell me?
85. If you die tmr who wud u leave everything u own to? my parents?
86. Do u have any enemies? I hope not..
87. What is your greatest fear? to be useless
88. Would you rather be rich or famous? Rich
89. What time is it in Albania now? do I look like I care??
90. Have you ever been in love? define love.
91. Have you met santa? well if you are talking about that man wearing white beard and red clothes in the mall then, yes I have.
92. If E.T. knocked on your door holding up a peace sign asking to
use your phone? err slam the door and hide under my blankie
93. Last time you talked to the person that you like: around 11 ish?
94. Do u have any pets? my housemate has one..
95. Whats your email address? dont tell you! bleahhh
97. Are you an alcoholic? Of course not~
98. Who sent this to you? a tonnes of people, 6 years ago tho lol
99. What do you think of this person: they are all still my friends! yay!
100. Do u want your friends to write back? YESSSS :D Lets start the chain again
OK that was exhausting. Now I am very very sleepy and ready to dive into my lovely comfy softy bouncy kingdom.
And the week has started again... sigh sigh sigh~
Friday, October 24
10:10 AM
DISLOCATED my jaw yesterday night!
went to Emergency Room at Georgetown Hospital and waited for 2hours for the doctor (EMERGENCY LEH? MUST WAIT 2HRS OTHER PEOPLE DIE LIAO LA). Wait until sooo longgggg with jaw hanging open and bone on the wrong side of the face -_-
then wait and wait and wait and wait and wait until JUST before the doctor came, my jaw popped back into place. HURT SO BADLYYY D:
Doc said my joint dont have enough (@#&!&@*! (I didn't get what he said lol) that's why the joint there is loose and if I yawn too big can easily displaced de.
-__________________________________________-"'okay.. I guess I should pay attention to the diameter of my yawning mouth..Btw, my mom sent me a package with birthday gift inside <3>
Saturday, October 18
7:29 PM
how long is this going to last until..?