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If - Taeyeon.mp3 - taeyeon
Welcome to.. Don't forget to let me know that you came, nudge me! :) If - Taeyeon.mp3 - taeyeon Tuesday, February 17
NEXT MONDAY!!!! but.. It's on the same day as my finance exam and also the same week as the history exam.............................. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH jialat laaaaa zen me bannnnnn???!!!! otttokkkeeeeeeee???!!! gmn nihhhhhhhh T_T
Monday, February 16
Not that I'm complaining that I have a job of course. I should be grateful that I still have that stream of $_$ coming bi-weekly.. Speaking of $_$, I just got my paycheck and the refund for my social security tax and medicare tax! yay thanks to Vita I don't get taxed at all :D If not I would have stupidly donated more than $60/mth to something that is rightfully mine~ Just booked my plane ticket to Atlanta with Jenn! Decided to spend my spring break at her house.. Should be very fun since we haven't really hang out that much this semester.. Had quite a successful Valentine's day balloon sale for UNICEF. I think we got around 40% profit margin. not bad ba.. but I think there's a lot of room for improvement for future sales :D Watched the Lion King movie for the very first time in my entire 19 years of life over the weekend. Very nice indeed and now I am very very eager to watch the Broadway too!! haha =X Can't believe I have only watched Aladdin, The Little Mermaid and the Lion King recently. What was I doing when I was a kid? Probably I was watching some other Japanese anime like Dragon Ball hahahahaha.. but I still HEART Disney until now :) Who doesn't, right? okie dokie I'm going off work now and gonna be drowning myself in the misery of writing a paper -_- chao ! XOXO Monday, February 9
with the addition of lack of sleep and exhaustion :'( "When I Googled this Teyana Taylor person to find out more about her, I learned she has a single called "Google Me." Eerie. I expect to find out that, minutes before I finish typing, she's released a follow-up called "Fug Me," because she's some kind of rapper-psychic. Although it doesn't take ESP or a crystal ball to know she was going to get it from us for this: Have you ever been faced with a buffet so sumptuous -- or at least so full of breakfast pastries -- that you were paralyzed from not knowing where to start? That is how I feel right now. Do I begin with the workout pants? The boots, which look like she shot Fozzy Bear after mugging a stripper? Or the understated, tasteful corset? It's a marvel of symbolism: the ruby navel, the gold chain flap dangling slightly north of where her natural-born Google would be... But nothing is quite so achingly subtle as the mammoth bejewelled pseudo-nipples that cover her actual skin-made ones. It's like her Faberge egg hatched and she's getting ready to breast-feed its spawn. This might be my favorite outfit in GFY history. I need at LEAST three in different colors." ROFLMAO.... the suayness even started at 1am liao
WTF IS WRONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG :( grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Sunday, February 1
Friends Forever. 普遍的两个字,隐藏着深奥的意义。 小时候,我老是把它挂在嘴边。 只要有一群朋友一起玩,就觉得自己和他们很投缘。 有时候还会讨论长大后要一起开店等等。 可是梦想往往和现实有落差。 人啊,总是在变。 很多知心朋友已经变成陌生人。 有些还比陌生人更陌生。 就是所谓的 “Hi-Bye Friend”。 心情:可悲。 可悲,因为觉得可惜。 可悲,因为想念过去。 可悲,因为你是我的。 可惜属于我们的过去已成为回忆。 不过,我应该感到欣慰。 虽然我们不能做永远的好友,但回忆是永恒的。 “朋友一生一起走,那些日子不再有。。。” 在我们的一生中,时时刻刻都会有新脸孔出现。 没有人知道谁才是你真正的朋友。 只有你,才能够让真正的朋友陪你一生一起走。 我们要懂得惜缘、惜福
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Dian Paramita- Deeyan - Диан - ヂアン - 黄樱樱 ♥ Halloween'89 ♥ Georgetown'10 - HOYA SAXA! ♥ deeyan89@gmail.com
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